Dr. Tritsch IT Consulting

IT virtualization, end-user computing, enterprise mobility, system analysis and digital experience benchmarking

Articles & Videos My Services EUC Score Toolset
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E2EVC 2024 in Montreal E2EVC 2024 in Montreal by Benny Tritsch, 26 July 2024
I presented a community session on 25th of July 2024 at E2EVC in Montreal, Canada: "DEX4DaaS - Measuring and comparing perceived remote desktop user experience in a Cloud PC era". Brand new slide deck including inspirational data visualization examples and the new Data Miner tool. New EUC Score use case for guided POCs.
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DEX4DaaS - DEX Quality Criteria for DaaS Environments DEX4DaaS - DEX Quality Criteria for DaaS Environments by Benny Tritsch, 25 May 2024
As part of my project experience in the area of EUC Score performance benchmarking, I have created a list of 10 user-centric DEX quality criteria for DaaS environments (DEX4DaaS), which I would like to share here.
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European Cloud Summit 2024 in Wiesbaden European Cloud Summit 2024 in Wiesbaden by Benny Tritsch, 17 May 2024
The European Cloud Summit is the largest conference in Europe focused on Microsoft Azure, OpenAI, and Cloud Computing. I had the opportunity to present an end-user computing session at ECS: "Comparing digital employee experience - Azure Virtual Desktop versus on-prem Windows desktops". Read my session abstract and download the slide deck.
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E2EVC 2024 in Madrid E2EVC 2024 in Madrid by Benny Tritsch, 10 May 2024
Experts 2 Experts Virtualization Conference is a series of worldwide non-commercial, virtualization community Events. I presented two community sessions on 3rd and 4th of May 2024 at E2EVC in Madrid: "DEX4DaaS - Measuring and comparing perceived remote desktop user experience in a Cloud PC era" and "Hands-on - How to record and visualize Windows performance counters and screen videos".
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EUC Unplugged 2024 in Scottsdale EUC Unplugged 2024 in Scottsdale by Benny Tritsch, 30 Apr 2024
EUC Unplugged uses Open Space Meeting Technology - this allows attendees to form sessions that are most meaningful to them. My session proposal "How to measure DEX" was selected by the attendees. Read my session abstract and download the slide deck.
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EUC Forum March 2024 in London EUC Forum March 2024 in London by Benny Tritsch, 29 Mar 2024
On 26th of March, I had the pleasure to present at the EUC Forum UK in London. My session title was "Digital Workspace Myths Debunked - The Science Of Remote Windows Desktop Performance". Read my session abstract and download the slide deck.
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TeamRGE Hybrid Event Spring 2024 TeamRGE Hybrid Event Spring 2024 by Benny Tritsch, 7 Mar 2024
On 15th of February, a group of industry experts presented their thoughts and experiences on Remoting Graphics for Virtual Desktops and Applications at the TeamRGE hybrid event, organized by community fellow Ruben Spruijt and myself. Here's an event overview, our keynote and my presentation on free tools - including the links to the session recordings and the slide decks.
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Measuring Parallels RAS Performance in Azure Virtual Desktop Measuring Parallels RAS Performance in Azure Virtual Desktop by Benny Tritsch and Freek Berson, 22 Jan 2024
Drive redirection and Easy Print are natively available in Microsoft Remote Desktop Services or Azure Virtual Desktop, but do not always provide the expected response time. Parallels RAS aims to reduce waiting times until redirected drives and printers are available and thus improve the user experience. But how good are these add-on features? Time for some EUC Score test runs.
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Measuring Parallels RAS Performance in Azure Virtual Desktop PINNED: Goodbye WordPress. Hello static website! by Benny Tritsch, 22 Dec 2021
WordPress has served me well for many years. But recently, due to massive waves of attacks on my website, I've spent too much time troubleshooting and fixing site issues. And I’ve not liked the fact that my content has been stored in a MySQL database. So I decided to migrate to a static website, only using a nice HTML theme, CSS, open source JavaScript libraries and some PowerShell scripts for maintenance.
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Video Thumbnail TeamRGE Event 2024: Two videos: Ruben Spruijt's and my opening keynote "Two voices, one future - End User Computing, DaaS and GPU Trends for 2024", and my solo breakout session on "The best free tools to analyze user experience with GPU-enabled VMs".
Video Thumbnail ControlUp Ultimate Labs: A Home Lab in Paris with Sam Legrand: This ControlUp Ultimate Labs blog article and YouTube video features independent consultant and Citrix CTP Sam Legrand with his terrific home lab setup.
Video Thumbnail ControlUp Ultimate Labs: ACME with Marcel Calef: If you’ve ever attended a ControlUp demo shown in an online presentation, it’s likely that you have seen the ControlUp ACME EUC lab in action. Marcel Calef, ControlUp’s Pre-Sales Team Leader, is responsible for this lab infrastructure. Watch him share some tips and tricks.
Video Thumbnail THRIVEcast Episode 56: In July 2021 D.J. Eshelman and Jeff Pitsch invited me to join them for THRIVEcast episode 56.
Video Thumbnail Digital Employee Experience Management for the Work-From-Anywhere Era: Watch my conversation with Bjørn Uddal, Director Consulting at Move, about digital employee experience (DEX) management . We covered both the ControlUp product offering and the EUC Score benchmarking activities in this context.
Video Thumbnail Exploring Perceived WVD User Experience: My presentation on perceived user experience at Microsoft meets Community: Windows Virtual Desktop (second edition) with almost 1100 live attendees.
Video Thumbnail My MVP conversation with Simon Townsend and Fredrik Brattstig: IGEL's Simon Townsend interviews new MVP Fredrik Brattstig and MVP veteran Benny Tritsch.
Video Thumbnail Microsoft WVD and IGEL UD3 Remote End-user Experience with GPUs: This benchmarking test compares user experience of working on a physical workstation versus the user experience of connecting to a WVD environment using the new IGEL UD3 thin client.